Sony's HDPS-L1 80GB photo vault with HD output

We're not sure how many people are willing to give up a precious set of component inputs for a device that only does HD slideshows, but as always it only our job to report, and never to judge. The device in question here is the Sony HDPS-L1, an 80GB photo storage vault with 7-in-1 card reader (all flavors of MemoryStick, naturally, plus CompactFlash/Microdrive, SD/MMC and xD) that hooks up to your TV for boring enthralling your guests with 720p slideshows set to background music in one of eight transition styles. For $300 it would be nice to also get an HDMI output along with the analog/HD component, but this product will probably find a niche audience in those folks who have made the film-to-digital, but not yet the VCR-to-DVD, transition. The HDPS-L1 will start livening up cocktail parties everywhere starting in May.
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