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Monday, March 13, 2006

Apple easing out 20-inch G5 iMac

Apple easing out 20-inch G5 iMac: "Filed under: Desktops This shouldn't come as any surprise, given the fate of its 17-inch sibling, but it looks like Apple is finally easing out the 20-inch G5 version of the iMac. The G5 version has already disappeared from Apple's online stores in the UK and some other markets, though it's still available in the US for now. Apple has been selling it for $1,499, vs. the $1,699 price tag on the Core Duo model, so if you're in the US and you're content to live on the trailing edge, you may still have a little more time to save $200 before Apple shuts the door on this one. Once the 20-inch iMac is gone, Apple will have just one G5 model left in its lineup: the PowerMac, which starts at $1,999 for a dual-processor model


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