Sling Media VP on carrier resistance to SlingPlayer Mobile

Sling Media VP on carrier resistance to SlingPlayer Mobile: "Filed under: Multimedia, Software, Windows Mobile
Sling Media VP of Market Development Jeremy Toeman has weighed in on the fact that not only is the SlingPlayer Mobile service receiving the cold shoulder from the major wireless carriers, it may actually violate the terms of service some carriers place on 3G data usage. Toeman argues that the wording of some service agreements could be interpreted 'as meaning that viewing anything other than plain hypertext is against the terms of service,' meaning that without at least tacit carrier approval, the mobile Sling service could be restricted to WiFi-use only by WM5 device owners. While we don't really agree with Toeman's assertion that 'SlingPlayer Mobile is a complementary product' to the carriers' proprietary video offerings, his argument that Sling- and Orb-like services combined with Windows Mobile's newfound push-email functionality, could help lure RIM-devotees away from their precious Crackberries, definitely holds weight. Still, despite the initial resistance by the major wireless players, Toeman feels that 'it's certainly conceivable that we will have an offering in conjunction with a mobile carrier down the road.'
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