iTunes Agent - Today's Free File

iTunes Agent - Today's Free File:
Let's face it: brand lock-in sucks. While nobody will refute the fact that iTunes coupled with an iPod is a match made in heaven, for the 'rest of us' that can't afford the overpriced mp3 players and are stuck with a more regular model, the situation is not nearly as peachy. For us, moving media to and from our devices is a manual chore, and one that does not sync up with how we listen to our music, or the playlists that we've created. In short, the experience is lacking.
Luckily, someone is doing something about this. The iTunes Agent is a utility that will interface between your mp3 player and iTunes, and offer you most of the same features that users of iPods enjoy. Now since this seems to horn in on functionality that Apple relies on to help drive sales of iPods, I can't imagine them tolerating this project for too long. Which is really unfortunate, since no matter how well you're able to emulate the experience of using an iPod with iTunes, it's never really the same. So hopefully Apple will just let this little project continue on its merry way.
So, um, grab a copy while you can.
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